Navigating the Online Member Directory

In This Article 

Sign into the Member Website 

Navigate the Online Member Directory 

Submit Updates 

Switch Directory 

Update Password or Sign out 

Delete Account 

COMING SOON - Watch a video about Navigating the Member Website 

Sign into the Member Website 

Go to Enter your email address as it is listed in the family portion of the directory along with the password you created. 

If you have not yet created a login or need help signing in, please review Logging into the Online Member Directory Website.

After you have logged into the online members' website, you’ll see the member list with the directory cover page. Under the cover page, you may see a letter or introduction.  

Click on any family name and you will see the Family Details page. The information you may find is the address, phone numbers, email addresses, birthdates, anniversaries and any Groups the family or individuals may be in.  

You can view members, Staff, Groups, Birthdays and Anniversaries by clicking the links in the header.  

Submit Updates

To submit updates for your family details, click the Edit My Family link at the top of the screen or look for the Edit button at the bottom of your Family Details page.   

Enter the updates to your family and click the Submit Edits button. 

We provide a confirmation screen that your changes have been submitted for approval.

Once they have been reviewed and approved by the directory administrator or editor, the updates you submitted will show on the website.  

Switch Directory

If your email is in more than one Instant Church Directory (such as more than one church or a church and an organization), you can click Switch Directory and, well, switch directories! You can switch back and forth as much as you want.  

Update Password or Sign out 

If you ever think your password has been compromised, you can change it while being signed in under Account >> Update Password. You will be asked to provide your current password and the new password you want to use going forward.  

You can also Sign Out under Account. We recommend this if you are in a public space or using a public computer or device. The website will automatically log you out after a short period of inactivity, but it's best to sign out on your own.  

Delete Account 

Deleting your user account from the Member Websitedeletesyour login account from our records.  

To delete your login account permanently, go to Account >> Delete Account. You will be asked to type in the email address you are currently signed in as confirmation you want to delete the account.  

Just so you know, this does not delete your email or information from any organizational directory. It deletes the user account you created to access the directory via the mobile app and member website and its associated encrypted password from our database. 

Contact your organization(s) separately to be permanently removed from any directory. 

Logging back into the app after previously deleting your user account. 

If you need to log back into your organization’s directory, you will need to create a NEW user login (account). Go back to the beginning of this help document to see how to Create a Login.  

Can an Admin or Editor delete my user account? 

No, only a user can delete an account. If your email is removed from the directory, that immediately removes your access to the directory, but the account will still exist. 

Watch a video about Navigating the Member Website 


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