Learn about our free trial & get your Church Directory started in just a few minutes
6 articles
Learn how to add editors and assist them in logging in
1 article
Managing your account, billing info, downloading invoices and receipts
18 articles
Our company policies and basic information about us.
6 articles
Add & edit family & staff details, work with photos, activity & cover pages, & groups
21 articles
Generate a PDF, set general & printer settings, finalize the layout of your directory
4 articles
Enable mobile access, create a hyperlink, download a PDF, tools to spread the word
10 articles
Send emails to your congregation, add a text plan
4 articles
Change various attributes of your directory to give your members a custom experience.
3 articles
Information on mobile apps or online to access the directory virtually anywhere.
4 articles
Access the online directory as a member by creating a unique username and password.
4 articles
1 article
Basic information about how we keep your members data safe and secure.
4 articles